Justin Trudeau et al Vs. The Crown

5 min readFeb 28, 2025


In regard to Propriety and The Crown we will explore the Godelian complaint of the possibility of subverting the intention of the separation of the three duties of the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.

There are two prominent formalization of the studies of 3 body problems or 3 player games that are re-levant to the security of separation of duties:

1) The Byzantine General’s Problem (ie Lamport, Shostak, and Pease)

2) The Agencies Method for Modeling Coalitions and Cooperation in Games by John Nash

Lamport, Shostak, and Pease show a base case for the Byzantine General’s problem and note “…no solution exists for three generals that works in the presence of a single traitor.” which exemplifies the intentions of the separation of powers.

Nash’s work provides an approach to solving cooperative games of n players by using the concept of “agency” or coalition formation. Nash’s base case was the consideration of a 3rd player in the otherwise 2 player bargaining situation.

Both works exemplify the unsolvability of the base case while suggesting that extra players or exogenous factors are necessary to move the system to consensus.

Bitcoin is a conjectural implementation of a probabilistic solution to the Byzantine General’s problem (Feldman Mecali). It’s conjectural because its implementation is not proved with math, HOWEVER, its a working implementation of a model of the subversion of the limitations established in the base case of the Byzantine General’s Problem.

Re-visiting the Marxian Metaphorical Spectre

A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of Communism.

Marx paints the idea of a movement that could pervade culture as an intersubjective truth and likens it to the metaphor of a ghost. This could speak to the godelian compliant.

There is also the concept well developed and formalized by David Bohm called hidden variables which are disproved in light experiments only.

Generalizing the Nash Equillbrium Approach to Solutions

The approach that leads to the Nash Equilibrium concept can be described an evolution of improvement of strategies until each player finds the concept of a strategy in which either player playing such strategies against each other cannot deviate strategies and gain.

It’s the courage and foresight to consider the end game scenario that reveal the special solution.

Understanding the Godelian Complaint

It is said that Godel told Einstein the Constitution has a logical flaw. We can think of the security of the constitution and in regard to the separation of duties consideration the godelian complaint an observation of the introduction of exogenous factors to the point of subversion.

We can freely metaphorize a type of exogenous end game consideration where a spectre is able to subvert the communications systems of the otherwise separated powers. We can consider the introduction of Bohmian hidden variables as additional lieutenants beyond the base case of the Byzantine Generals Problem and as citizens in the consideration of the problem of subversion of the separation of powers.


Bitcoin is expected to grow to secure the highest valued wealth on the planet (and beyond). It exemplified a growing order of security based on subverting the separation of powers between 3 bodies.

On the Subversion of the Media as a Spectre

The Byzantine Generals Problem exists as a consideration of an untrustworthy communications network. This implies trustworthy broadcasting of truth is not available. The media can act like a spectre and subvert the separation of duties if it is controlled by (or controls!) any of the 3 powers and if the general public is deceived to believe false narratives are true.

Nashian Considerations of the COVID Pandemic

We can freely consider a metaphorical end game with regard to the happening of the COVID pandemic. In Canada as of today the news cannot be shared on social media-they naturally don’t fact check what they read in solitude.

The citizenry was effectively locked down and largely relied on social media to the extent they gave it agency to their political will.

With respect to propriety and The Crown we gave our agency to external social media algorithms.

On the 1st Amendment

We already noted in “Propriety and the Crown”:

The Americans have the 1st Amendment which has a specific nature and purpose. It is not that it is the 1st that makes it the 1st and its not a protection of free speech that makes it important. Its that it protects the citizens from tyranny of the state because without it the people cannot rightfully declare tyranny and thus no other rights could be upheld under tyranny.

This is critical to understand and compare to, for example, Canada because our “1st amendment” or rather our primary protection versus tyranny is the right to (peacefully) protest. If we can’t overthrow tyranny by peacefully protesting then we have no protection from it and can’t protect the rest of our rights and freedoms.

Social media as a spectre could prevent us from the ability to mobilize.

On The Canadian Executives Right To Subvert the Canadian 1st Amendment

It has been found that the Executive did in fact subvert the powers of Canada’s Crown by invoking the Emergency act.

However this decision isn’t possible under the intention of separation of duties because the Judicial can’t ever be in a position to determine whether or not the Canadian 1st amendment should be upheld.

On the Right and the Morality of the Executive to Appeal a Judgment of Breaking the Canadian 1st Amendment

The executive obviously can’t ever appeal the judgment of breaking the citizenry’s attempt to overthrow the executive via peaceful assembly.

By John Locke’s theory its impossible to invoke The Crown to support such shenanigans and the Crown is the law of the land:

> For nobody can transfer to another more power than he has in himself; and nobody has an absolute arbitrary power over himself, or over any other, to destroy his own life, or take away the life or property of another.

On the James II Charges Versus Justin Trudeau et al.

Trudeau et al stands for his cabinet and the provinces powers in which the health authorities that were given power through the COVID “emergency”.

These charges are implicit because it’s necessary to restore the sheen of the crown, the symmetry of the crown, and to put the Crown back on its pedestal:

  • Trudeau et al. allowed the subversion of social media and media such that it bent propriety against The Crown
  • Trudeau et al. took authority against our rights to peaceful assembly.
  • Trudeau et al. took authority against our rights to free expression.
  • Trudeau et al. implemented and allowed immigration policies to subvert the power of The Crown.
  • Trudeau et al. tried to get the Judiciary to uphold actions against our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Trudeau et al. tried to appeal the Judiciary attempt to check and balance versus Trudeau et al. breach of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

On Provinces as Extension of the Crown as a Microkernal

In the et al. of Trudeau et al. we enter in Bonnie Henry et al as defined here (which includes also each of the provinces and their respective leaders and health authorities etc.).



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