This writing like two earlier writings (On Russia’s Special Military Operations In Ukraine, On the Myth and Legend of the Shadow-Blockchain) is meant to open the Overton window wide from a citizenry point of view. We can use a fanciful type inquiry to do this and not worry about stating or implying wrong conclusions.
On Scaling MK-Ultra And Other Such Programs
Here we are thinking of the concept of the want of those that were running programs such as the MK-Ultra program and their implicit want to test and scale such programs as widely as possible.
On Chomsky and the Moral Impossibility of AI
In an interview, Noam Chomsky notes the limits of ‘large language models’ because of the ethical implications involved in experimenting on the human brain:
…another problem is you can’t do experiments with humans for ethical reasons. We can’t raise human children in artificial environments. You can’t put electrodes into single cells in the cortex to figure out what’s going on.
We know a lot about human vision but that’s because of invasive experiments with other animals. Which have about the same visual system as humans do.
You can’t do that with language and consciousness because there aren’t any other organisms. So it’s a very hard problem. And that problem is not advanced IN THE LEAST by complex simulations. They tell us nothing.
Marc Andreessen on Government Control of AI Programs
Marc Andreessen said in an interview that the US government was clear about their intent to control the AI programs and not allow private companies to offer their own AI programs:
We had meetings in DC in May where we talked to them about this and the meetings were absolutely horrifying and we came out deciding basically we had to endorse Trump…AI is a technology that basically the government is going to completely control. This is not going to be a startup thing. They actually said flat out to us, don’t do AI startups. Don’t fund AI startups. It’s not something we’re going to allow to happen. They’re not going to be allowed to exist. There’s no point. They basically said AI is going to be a game of 2 or 3 big companies working closely with the government and we’re gonna basically wrap them…in a government cocoon. We’re gonna protect them from competition. We’re gonna control them. We’re gonna dictate what they do….
I said I don’t understand how you’re gonna lock this down so much because the math for AI is out there and it’s being taught everywhere…
They literally said during the cold war we classified entire areas of physics and took them out of the research community and entire branches of physics basically went dark and if we decide we need to we are going to do the same thing to the math underneath AI
On the Double Edged Nature of Program Names and Mission Statements
In our module ‘On the Double Edged Nature of Program Names and Mission Statements’ we consider that sometimes what seems like conflict between nations could really actually be a form of ‘hot peace’ where there is military exchange which cooperatively targets civilian infrastructure which a government couldn’t otherwise authorize.
For this we consider “Operation Retard Nation” in parallel and contrast to the nominal implication of “Operation Warp Speed”.
Future Dystopia And Szabonian Deconstruction of the Past From a Possible Dystopian Framing
Our work introduces the concept or tool we call “Szabonian Deconstruction” which gives a useful framework for traversing complex intersubjective truths (ie ancient cultures) and pulling out useful insights.
If we consider all of this from a Szabonian framework it seems reasonable to consider that the Nazi programs of testing on humans, as well as the data from them, were not only preserved but extended and the evidence of it was preplanned to be destroyed.
We can then be concerned about the want of burying the truth of this and the energy and extend such an endeavor would imply.
Benz As Retard Nation Counter Intel
Mike Benz recently was a guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Among other deep state based problems he highlighted universities as NATO censorship programs.
Open Questions
We should want to ask then…
“If the powers that be were able to bury the truth of the past and control our vision of the present in the future what would this look like in the future?
“How retarded are we?”